History of the School
The developmental strides of JMJ have led to various significant changes in many fronts, especially in the educational mission. Our charismatic leader and founding father Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff, in his foresight, envisioned a mission and carved out a culture of service “An ever-adaptable apostolic availability” for JMJ sisters. The Wolff’s spiritual legacy reverberated all over the world and touched India too in 1904. The tiny spark that awakened the souls in Holland destined to inspire and illumine the hearts of poor village girls in AP with a mighty flame. Seven valiant women with valour and zeal in their hearts set their foot on the Guntur soil. The primary focus of service then was to provide health care initially and gradually it moved on to providing education to backward people. In 1923, Sr. Stanislaus Swamikannu Pillai, B.A.L.T joined the congregation and fueled the engine of education mission.The splendid torch has been passed on to JMJ. JMJ Indian family was given carte blanche to further the mission work in India for the benefit of the people who were living at the edge of the society. Since then, JMJ sisters have continued to serve the poor women and the downtrodden children who are the most vulnerable in the society. It has become an ascended force of reckoning in the Indian soil. With concerted effort and multipronged strategies, it addressed societal issues with complete commitment. Mission Education is one such strategic move to dispel the ignorance of the poorest of the poor. St Joseph’s, a knowledge hub is one such edifice and evidence of liberating children and young women from the shackles of ignorance and lead them towards the light, commenced its operation in 1905. Dedicated to the progressive development of the society, JMJ with a singular focus broke all barriers of societal stigma, superstitious, and encouraged women to empower themselves through literacy. The initial phase of education was in vernacular medium. As momentum gathered over the years, St Josephs dared to dream big and reached out all. 116-years of experience in the education front and exemplary service to the children’s community created a niche segment in the academic field. The beneficiaries not only supported the mission but expected more from JMJ educational pioneers in AP. In order to meet the challenges of the millennial kids and ever-growing demands of the contemporary job markets, JMJ has spread its strong wings in the CBSE stream. Thanks to the think-tanks- Rev. Sr. Regina Mary Ch, the then Provincial superior, Sr. Roselin Arulandu, hitherto Principal, and Sr. Rosy Antony the local superior who orchestrated the initial set up of CBSE in May 2014.
St Josephs with a serene expanse, breathing purity and exuberance, promises to accelerate educational excellence and to develop exceptional talents on par with global standards. It has well-furnished state-of-the-art classrooms, aided by modern technologies to enkindle effective learning. Though it stands tall for its values, tradition, holistic and inclusive education, the staff and the management never ceases to strive hard to create a perceptible quality enhancement day in and day out. Going forward, St Joseph’s would emerge as a perfect haven for learning contemporary cutting-edge skills for students to succeed in life.
Lets hope more from St Josephs and join for collective thinking and collaborative learning and leap forward while we break new grounds in developing millennial kids to global citizens.